SHR-IMD Spiral Retaining Rings - SHR-IMD-102

Product Description

Internal, Medium-Heavy Duty, Metric

With load bearing capacities closer to the heavy-duty series, and almost universal groove dimensions, these rings offer greatest ease of assembly with greatest thrust capacity.

Shaft Dia. (mm) Ds Groove Dia. (Dg and Tol.) Groove Width (W and Tol.) Ring Free Dia. (Df and Tol.) Ring Section (S and Tol.) Ring Thickness (T and Tol.) Thrust Load (lbs.) Groove Safety Factor of 2 Thrust Load (lbs.) Ring Safety Factor of 3
102 107.6 (±0.15) 3.05 (+0.13/-0.0) 108.31 (+0.76/-0.0) 6.35 (+0.1/-0.15) 2.82 (±0.08) 164421 249217

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